Tellen Foods®    Simple, Beautiful, Economical       
6804 Eastern Ave
Baltimore, Maryland 21224
Telephone: 443.506.4204
Facsimile: 410.282.7605
                                Our Story             Development             Manufacturing             Distribution             Operations             Support            
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Herbs and Spices
Blends and Salts
Dry Goods
Frozen Pizza
Frozen Snacks
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Product Development
Private Labels
Marketing Programs
Selling Support
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Retail Jars and Bags
Shrink Wrap
Food Service
Bulk Sizes
Specialty Containers

Your choice: bottles, bags, tins

Tellen Foods 2007 - 2022 - - Food For The World

Tellen Foods purchases, prepares, and packages a range of foods appropriate for food service, retail and consumer use.

Tellen Foods packages into a wide range of containers including bags, bottles, tins, microwave dishes and shrink wrap.

Tellen Foods manufactures dry product, refrigerated meals, and frozen snacks under HACCP guidelines in a USDA certified facility.

Tellen Foods flexible production techniques allow for small batches and significant runs that meet client requirements.